Kostenlose Ebooks Achtsamkeit fr dich: Kleine Auszeiten fr den Alltag | Schne Tischdeko zur Stressbewltigung; tolles Geschenk fr Yoga-Fans


Achtsamkeit fr dich: Kleine Auszeiten fr den Alltag | Schne Tischdeko zur Stressbewltigung; tolles Geschenk fr Yoga-Fans

Dein persnlicher Achtsamkeitsreminder im AlltagEinen Moment lang innehalten, in sich hineinhren, den Augenblick bewusst genieen und nicht schon wieder an Morgen denken das ist oftmals gar nicht so leicht. Aber Achtsamkeit kann man lernen und sie bereichert unseren Alltag enorm: wir werden aufmerksamer, dankbarer, gelassener und glcklicher.Slow Living: Gnne dir und deinen Gedanken eine kleine Auszeit und lass dich von diesem schn gestalteten Aufsteller anleiten und inspirierenSchenke Achtsamkeitstraining: Ob die gestresste Freundin oder Kollegin, Schwester oder Mama, dein Lieblingsmensch oder auch einfach du selbst Entspannungsmomente kann jeder brauchenKlein und Dekorativ: Der stabile Tischkalender (ohne Kalendarium) mit 108 Seiten findet in jeder Tasche, auf jeder Kommode, in jedemWohnzimmerganz leicht Platz und schenkt dort ein wenig Achtsamkeit, wo du sie am dringendsten bentigstSchne Ergnzung: Fr alle Fans der Kartenbox Achtsamkeit fr dich gibt es die Mindfullness-Rituale nun auch zum Aufstellen fr dein ZuhauseKleine Auszeiten zum AufstellenDer kleine Kalenderbietet Anregungen fr achtsame Momente an jedem Tag und berall. Ob zu Hause oder auch unterwegs, gnn dir immer mal wieder eine kleine Auszeit vom Alltag, komm im Hier und Jetzt an. Lass dich selbst inspirieren oder verschenke positives Karma an einen lieben Menschen. Good vibes only!


The key to successfully starting any event is a fine event plan. In his ebook, Achtsamkeit fr dich: Kleine Auszeiten fr den Alltag | Schne Tischdeko zur Stressbewltigung; tolles Geschenk fr Yoga-Fans, Mike Elia walks you through the event plan process step-by-step: from accretion the evidence youll use to construct your plan to delivering your plan to endorsed investors.

His record provides the basic information you dependence to write a event plan. But its real focus is revealing how to communicate your plan to investors and convince them that your event is their best investment choice.

When I first opened event plan Secrets Revealed, my heart sank. You see, I had promised Mike I would admittance his record no question in the past writing a review. And event plan Secrets Revealed is no ordinary ebook as soon as one sentence paragraphs, large fonts and hefty margins. Its crammed full of information!

But as I began to read, I was in a friendly way surprised. Mikes writing style is fascinating and practical, and his explanations simplify hard concepts. Throughout the book, I felt as even though a pal was sitting as soon as me upon the help porch, matter-of-factly explaining exactly how to reach something. Its the kind of easy practicality that you can accomplish forlorn as soon as you fully understand a subject.

Mikes definite concurrence of event planning concepts results from experience spanning more than 20 years. Mike helps event owners buy, sell and finance their businesses. He has overseen manufacturing and sales locations in more than nine countries. He is a CPA, holds a Masters in event Administration, and has served as Chief Financial official of two publicly held companies.

Business plan Secrets Revealed starts as soon as tips for collecting and organizing the information youll need. From the beginning, Mike concentrates upon overcoming your biggest single challengebridging the fortune-hunter confidence gap. In the chapter Show Me the Numbers, Mike provides some of the clearest explanations of event financial statements that Ive ever admittance If concepts as soon as stockholders equity or statements of cash flow create your eyes glaze over, next your salvation has arrived.

Later chapters of event plan Secrets Revealed in point of fact tackle upon Mikes concurrence to help you communicate your event plan effectively. There are definite instructions upon writing your event plan, including how to get your plan opened and read, and how to avoid nine common writing mistakes. He explains how choosing the right design can create your event plan easier to read. Mike wraps things up by telling you how to prepare for critical face-to-face mature as soon as investors, including developing a 60-second, to-the-point, verbal auditorium for your business. Tips upon finding investors and a resources section definite the book.

I must endure that several mature as I was reading, I would question myself, Do I in point of fact dependence this much event plan? This is not a fill-in-the-blanks-and-print-it-out event plan solution. But next I realizedif Im supreme more or less succeeding, next I reach dependence to know as much as realizable more or less my event up front. in the past Ive started spending money. in the past I put myself upon the lineage out in the market.

By the way, I did create it through the sum up book. And I stated that Mike delivers what he promises upon the title page: he teaches you how to speedily build up evidence, construct a conflict for your business, and write a readable plan that attracts investors and makes your event the most interesting investment choice. Even if you already own other event planning resources, I very suggest event plan Secrets Revealed